Facebook Marketing – Tool No.1: Live Chat (Customer Chat)
Facebook Messenger Live Chat What is it and how is it beneficial? Based on Facebook Messenger, this plugin runs like an instant messaging system. It allows your customers...
How to set commands for your Messenger Bot
1.Buttons Get Started and Postback. a. How to set b. Enter the Button ID, and then click Push. c. The result is 2. Quick Replies Button a. How to set b. The result is 3. Advanced keywords 4. Other sample...
How to set up Facebook Messenger Chat with Bot for WordPress (Updated September 2018)
Hello, Please see the video below to know how to set up our Facebook Messenger Chat with Bot plugin For how to set some special commands, see How to set commands for your Messenger Bot for more. Feel free to...
Big Updates – What’s new?
Good news for today, developers and marketers! We have big updates for many plugins, including CartBack, SpiderLink, Auto Reply, etc. Those bring great benefits for boosting Facebook engagement and remarketing. Do you want this? Don’t miss out your biggest save...
Messenger for WordPress plugin Free version download
Congratulations! Thanks for liking, commenting and sharing the post. You now can download Facebook Messenger WordPress plugin Free version here: Download Facebook Messenger Free version If you are curious about how this post was made, you can also make one for...
Where can I find my item purchase code?
Every time you purchase an item on one of the marketplaces you’ll get a license code. Follow these steps to get it:
How to set up Facebook Auto-Reply plugin
Below is step-by-step guide on how to set up Facebook Messenger Auto Reply. Step 1: Set up Facebook Auto-Reply plugin from your WordPress backend *Note: Please set it up with a new Facebook app, do not use the same app with different...
Facebook Marketing – Tool No.2: Auto Reply